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Detail of retinitis pigmentosa (RP)
ncRNA name mmu-miR-7036b-3p
ncRNA Category miRNA
Disease name retinitis pigmentosa (RP)
Species Mus musculus
Tissues/Cell_line retinas
Methods TUNEL assay, miRNA array, qPCR
Expression pattern up-regulated
Functional description Of more than 1900 miRNAs analyzed, we selected 19 miRNAs on the basis of (1) a significant differential expression in rd10 retinas compared with control samples and (2) an inverse expression relationship with predicted mRNA targets involved in biological pathways relevant to retinal biology and/or degeneration.
PubMed ID 29847644
Year 2018
Title Expression Profiling Analysis Reveals Key MicroRNA-mRNA Interactions in Early Retinal Degeneration in Retinitis Pigmentosa.
Drug-related ncRNA NO

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